Photo Credit

The photo above was found here (I can take no credit for it)

Catharsis...a definition.

According to The Oxford Dictionary a Catharsis is: The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

Its etymology is routed in Greek cleanse.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I don’t know if it’s a 1/3 life crisis or I’m just reevaluating my priorities at age 35. I’ve been asking myself; “What is my purpose?” I know the more immediate answer to that, of course…ensuring my family is happy and healthy. The question for me, however, is about the long haul. I have been struggling with the fact that I cannot land an administrative position and very much want to. I struggle because I see the value in what I do every day in the classroom; do I leave that behind? It is always a pleasure to hear how I have impacted a student’s life or way of thinking (particularly if I’ve impacted a student’s life because I’ve changed their way of thinking about the world around them) and I don’t ever want to relinquish that power.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my craft and have to say that this year I am kicking some ass in the classroom. It has been a revelation, with new technologies and techniques for assessment being added, I see a shift in the way I practice. Still, I believe I can do more and reach more kids. This brings me to Wayne Bump…Mr. Bump. He was my high school chemistry teacher and a colleague at my first gig. I have tried to model my instruction after his methodical and maniacal classroom demeanor. He reached everyone in some way. His “back-to-school” night sessions were standing room only. This was at a Title 1 school (poor/minority populated/low test scores) and you couldn’t squeeze another body in there. Unreal. He had been doing it a long time and doing it the right way…in my opinion. His purpose; crystal clear. Mine…getting there. I can only hope I get to his level of competence.

Back to the students. Kids are absolutely bored out of their minds nowadays. They do not have and cannot identify nor articulate their purpose. Boredom for them isn’t just at school…it’s a general mood. A recent study found that students were eager to get back to school during the many #PolarVortex caused closings. Suzi Parker (@suziparker), recently published an article on Take Part (a website dedicated to discussing topics in education) examining this very phenomenon. She affirms that students are just as disinterested at home as they are in the classroom. Further, Grant Wiggins (@grantwiggins) posited on the Education page of The Huffington Post that students are bored in class typically because of its monotonous nature. They are more apt to be simulated and engaged with various activities. It’s an interesting read for students, parents and especially teachers…you can read it by clicking here.

Finally, I’ll leave you with the link to a TED Talk by Alan November (@globallearner). Mind…blown. I’m going to try and do something like this with one of my classes. A follow up post, for sure.


My first post will encompass the rules I am setting forth for this blog, and as I am a linear thinker I will be putting them in a bulleted list:

1.    Comments are welcomed.
2.    The topics are as varied as a NYC neighborhood.
3.    The thoughts and suppositions made will be uncensored.
4.    The thoughts and suppositions made will be substantiated by sources; at times.
5.    If you are offended, click the little red “X” to close the window.

Good? Then read on people…read on.